Develop new or enhance existing programs that train nonprofits, private landlords and property managers to integrate supportive housing principles with traditional property management, work within the local or regional housing system, and respond to tenant rights and landlord responsibilities. Focus this program on landlords, particularly BIPOC landlords, that already have affordable units.
Landlord/Property Manager Education and Outreach
Develop a formal program (new or an expansion of an existing program) to engage landlords in providing supportive housing and working collaboratively within the local or regional housing support system. Landlord training should focus on three areas: 1) how to integrate supportive housing principles such as making on-site services (mental/physical health, and employment support, etc.) available to residents, with traditional property management; 2) how to collaborate with the existing local or regional housing system, including working with human services agencies to accept tenants that use rental assistance; and 3) understanding and responding to federal and state fair housing laws, the rights of people with disabilities, and the legal responsibilities of landlords and property managers. Outreach efforts should specifically target landlords, especially BIPOC landlords, with formal or naturally occurring affordable housing units.
An example is the Landlord Liaison Project in Washington state.
This promising strategy requires investment in:
- Labor hours to analyze existing trainings
- Labor hours to develop or enhance trainings
- Labor hours to conduct outreach and enroll landlords in training
- Labor hours to analyze existing trainings
- Labor hours to develop or enhance trainings
- Labor hours to conduct outreach and enroll landlords in training
Evaluation of Promising Strategy in Initial Target Regions
Learn more about the Investment Map’s selection of Initial Target Regions.
At the statewide level, NC Housing Search provides free training from on (1) Listing and searching for properties using criteria such as rent, proximity to public transit, building type, and other amenities; (2) Using the toll-free call center to add/update housing listings, locate housing, and more; and (3) How the service is being marketed to housing seekers.
Training is web- or phone-based. Landlords must seek out the program, there is no proactive outreach to them.
- The landlord training program is developed. Metric = training curriculum, materials, presentation model, and outreach plan are complete.
- Enrollment and completion goals are met. Metric = landlords representing XX% of regions affordable housing units enroll in training.
- Landlords and property managers increase their understanding of training topics. Metric = 85% of trainees surveyed demonstrate an increased understanding of training topics.
At the statewide level, NC Housing Search provides free training from on (1) Listing and searching for properties using criteria such as rent, proximity to public transit, building type, and other amenities; (2) Using the toll-free call center to add/update housing listings, locate housing, and more; and (3) How the service is being marketed to housing seekers.
One reason why Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers are going unused in the region and across the state may be a lack of knowledge and understanding among landlords. Thrive Asheville reported that “hundreds of thousands of dollars of desperately needed affordable housing assistance goes unused [in Asheville] because landlords and tenants [who could benefit from vouchers] are simply not properly matched.”
- The landlord training program is developed. Metric = training curriculum, materials, presentation model, and outreach plan are complete.
- Enrollment and completion goals are met. Metric = landlords representing XX% of regions affordable housing units enroll in training.
- Landlords and property managers increase their understanding of training topics. Metric = 85% of trainees surveyed demonstrate an increased understanding of training topics.
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