Adapt existing data platforms (e.g., NCHousingSearch.org) to create a statewide data platform capturing real-time data on all aspects of the local/regional housing market and connects to other state systems; train stakeholders to use the platform
Housing Data Platform
Develop a statewide data platform by leveraging an existing platform, specifically NC Housing Search, to better match affordable housing supply with affordable housing demand. The platform should provide NC counties with access to real-time data on all aspects of the local/regional housing market including, but not limited to:
- % of households that are rent-burdened
- % of households experiencing homelessness
- Specific housing unit availability across the region, including data from any landlord taking public/subsidized dollars (required to register), other landlords (encouraged to register), and aggregated public listing data from other databases and sites
- Compliance expiration for units financed through Low-Income Housing Tax Credits
- Vacancy rates within properties at 120% of AMI rents and below.
An example of this type of platform can be found in HOM INC.’s Padmission platform.
There should also be a training component so statewide (e.g., public agencies, policymakers) and local entities (e.g., housing authorities, county leaders, housing coordinators) can readily access the data. The platform should also have connectivity/interoperability with existing statewide systems (e.g., NCCARE360).
This promising strategy requires investment in:
- Labor hours to create and maintain the platform (preferably utilizing a BIPOC-led contractor paying a living wage)
- Labor hours to introduce the platform to the community and train stakeholders to use it (preferably utilizing a BIPOC training contractor paying a living wage)
- Licenses to permit usage of the existing data platform
Develop a statewide data platform by leveraging an existing platform, specifically NC Housing Search, to better match affordable housing supply with affordable housing demand. The platform should provide NC counties with access to real-time data on all aspects of the local/regional housing market including, but not limited to:
- % of households that are rent-burdened
- % of households experiencing homelessness
- Specific housing unit availability across the region, including data from any landlord taking public/subsidized dollars (required to register), other landlords (encouraged to register), and aggregated public listing data from other databases and sites
- Compliance expiration for units financed through Low-Income Housing Tax Credits
- Vacancy rates within properties at 120% of AMI rents and below.
An example of this type of platform can be found in HOM INC.’s Padmission platform.
There should also be a training component so that statewide entities (e.g., public agencies, policymakers) and local entities (e.g., housing authorities, county leaders, housing coordinators) can readily access the data. The platform should also have connectivity/interoperability with existing statewide systems (e.g., NCCARE360).
This promising strategy requires investment in:
- Labor hours to create and maintain the platform (preferably utilizing a BIPOC-led contractor paying a living wage)
- Labor hours to introduce the platform to the community and train stakeholders to use it(preferably utilizing a BIPOC-led training contractor paying a living wage)
- Licenses to permit usage of the existing data platform
Evaluation of Promising Strategy in Initial Target Regions
Learn more about the Investment Map’s selection of Initial Target Regions.
At the statewide level, NCHousingSearch.org is a free service that lists available housing and helps seekers to find housing in NC.
NCCARE360 is a statewide coordinated care network that electronically connects those with identified needs to communities resources, including housing resources.
HUD provides a list of affordable housing options by county.
The University of North Carolina School of Government’s ncIMPACT program is a statewide program that focuses on using data to shape policy and could provide opportunities for partnership.
The region has no program for tracking compliance expiration for Low Income Housing Tax Credit units.
Many communities do not have a comprehensive list of affordable units and are not using data about housing capacity and affordability to shape policy development.
Investment Approach:
- Statewide platform developed. Metric = platform type, licensing (if necessary), and methods of adapting are identified and complete.
- The statewide platform has connectivity/interoperability with existing statewide systems. Metric = Platform shares full interoperability with at least XX% of existing statewide systems.
- User training for statewide and local entities was developed and presented. Metric = curriculum, materials, presentation model, and outreach plan complete. Metric = enrollment targets reached.
- Statewide and local entities use platforms to match affordable housing supply with demand. Metric = # of entities actively using the platform.
At the statewide level, NCHousingSearch.org is a free service that lists available housing and helps seekers to find housing in NC. NCCARE360 is a statewide coordinated care network that electronically connects those with identified needs to communities resources, including housing resources. HUD provides a list of affordable housing options by county. Also, the University of North Carolina School of Government’s ncIMPACT initiative is a statewide program that focuses on using data to shape policy and could provide opportunities for partnership.
The region lacks the capacity to create and maintain a real-time housing system data platform.
County administrators will have to be trained to work with a real-time housing data platform.
The region has no program for tracking compliance expiration for Low Income Housing Tax Credit units.
Many communities do not have a comprehensive list of affordable units and are not using data about housing capacity and affordability to shape policy development.
Investment Approach:
- Statewide platform developed. Metric = platform type, licensing (if necessary), and methods of adapting are identified and complete.
- The statewide platform has connectivity/interoperability with existing statewide systems. Metric = platform shares full interoperability with at least XX% of existing statewide systems.
- User training for statewide and local entities was developed and presented. Metric = curriculum, materials, presentation model, and outreach plan complete. Metric = Enrollment targets reached.
- Statewide and local entities use platforms to match affordable housing supply with demand. Metric = # of entities actively using the platform.
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